List of Classes available

All classes can be scheduled at a mutually convenient time. They will be held at Intersections (our Guild House). Please call or email us for further details, to set something up. You can also order online here.

*** January 4 & January 18, 2025 – INTRODUCTION TO WEAVING CLASS*** class size restricted to 6 – 2 days – 8 hours per day – $275.00 includes cost of loom rental and materials. Kay McWilliams, instructor. email, call Thursday, Friday or Saturday from Noon – 5:30 pm

FIBER 101 – Introduction to fibers from mammal and plant to synthetics. Their properties, preparation and uses. (3hr class) Adult. $45.00.

LOOMS – Introduction to looms, their history and evolution to what we use now. Includes floor, table, frame, beading, tapestry, backstrap, inkle and many more. (3hr class) Adult. $45.00.

SPINNING – Introduction to spinning equipment from drop spindles to spinning wheels to E-spinners. Students will be able to try various spindles and spinning wheels. (3hr class) Adult. $45.00.

INTRODUCTION TO WEAVING – Learn to “dress a loom” and weave. Learn how to read weaving patterns and draw your own. Learn to calculate the warp and weft needed for a finished textile. (2– 8hr classes) 15 years to adult. $275.00.

INTRODUCTION TO SPINNING – Learn to prepare your fiber and spin on a spinning wheel. (2-3 –3hr classes) 12 years to adult. $90.00 – $135.00.

FLEECE SORTING AND PREPARATION – from a raw fleece. Learn to sort the best fiber for use. Hands-on preparation by picking and cleaning, washing, carding, for spinning and textile production. (2 – 3hr classes) 12 years to adult. $90.00.

TINY TAPESTRIES Begin to tapestry weave on a small format loom. (3hr class) 10 years to adult. $45.00.

WEDGE WEAVE ON A FRAME LOOM Take your weaving to another level. Learn to weave on an angle to change your perspective of your textiles. (3he class) Experienced weaver, adult. $45.00.

WEAVING ON A RIGID HEDDLE LOOM Learn set up and weave on a rigid heddle loom. (2 – 3hr classes) 12 years to adult. $90.00.

WEAVING ON AN INKLE LOOM Learn set up and weave on an inkle loom. (2 – 3hr classes) 12 years to adult. $90.00.

CARD WEAVING Learn set up and weave with cards. (2 – 3hr classes) 12 years to adult. $90.00.

PLY-SPLITTING Learn make your own cordage and then ply-split the cords to make unique and colorful jewelry. (2 – 3hr classes) 12 years to adult. $90.00.

WET FELT A SCARF* (3hr class) Adult. $45.00 + $15.00 supplies fee.

WET FELT A SMALL BOWL* (3hr class) Adult. $45.00 + $15.00 supplies fee.

FABRIC JEWELRY* (3hr class) Adult. $45.00 + $10.00 supplies fee.

SILK FUSION ORNAMENTS* (3hr class) 12 years to adult. $45.00 + $10.00 supplies fee.

WOVEN BOOKMARK* (Inkle loom) (2hr class) 6 years to adult. $30.00; $20 for 2nd member of family. + $10.00 supplies fee.

MUG MATS* (2hr class) 6 years to adult. $30.00; $20. For the 2nd member of family. + $10.00 supplies fee (per student).

WOVEN POT HOLDER* (2hr class) 6 years to adult. $30.00; $20. For second member of family. + $10.00 (per student).

WOVEN POTHOLDER*(table loom). (3hr class) 10 years to adult. $45.00; $35. For 2nd member of family. + $10.00 supplies fee (per student).

NEEDLE LACE IN A HOOP* (3hr class) 10 years to adult. $45.00; $35 for 2nd member of family. + 10.00 supplies fee (per student).

PAINT A SCARF* (3hr class) 12 years to adult. $45.00 + $10.00 supplies fee.